I don't plan to make this a daily thing, but...
As I alluded earlier, my faith is something that is important to me. Sharing it has been a problem, though, considering I've been trying to get a handle on it for a while now.
Today, though, I decided that maybe I've been complicating the matter too darned much. I think I'm looking for this great insight on faith when all it is is stepping out and doing something, regardless of the consequences. And I'm not talking about physically walking off a cliff or walking into a strip joint for Jesus (whatever folks mean by that) or anything like that. I'm talking about stretching my limits.
That may, in my case, mean:
1) boarding a plane to fly to Puerto Rico to work with a missionary for about 10 days--and that IS happening this June;
2) quitting my job that has little-to-no consequence for anyone to do something that does matter (I've toyed with writing, but I don't seem to have the life experience it takes to make a decent story right now; besides, I feel as though I'd be isolating myself when what I probably really need is to reach out to others--and not just for story ideas);
3) letting down my guard enough to let people know where I hurt;
4) letting down my guard enough to really love my husband (as much as I hate thinking this, it's really hard to do a lot of the time anymore; as I said before, we're becoming more and more opposite. I just wish he'd smile once in a while.)
In other words, I've philosophized my faith until I've made it a lot harder, I think, than what it really is. Jesus said that we should have the faith of a child. A child doesn't philosophize; he does what you ask him to or he rebels. There's really no in-between. Sometimes children understand the whys and wherefores; sometimes they don't. They just trust the parents to care for them in the best way they know how.
So come June, I'll try to remember that as I'm stepping onto that airplane. I have a feeling that this trip will not only be a boost to my faith; I expect it to be the biggest blessing I've ever experienced.
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