Thursday, May 20, 2004

Cranky people

You can tell the school year is ending; everyone is in a snit.

Karen stormed into the library with FIVE girls in tow yesterday. Before I knew what was happening, she had out her "firm voice" and she was giving those girls what for. I don't know what happened in class, but they aren't allowed to return there. (I think attitudes abound.) They must take their finals in the library with her. Go, Karen! I love it when she blows at kids who deserve it. At least one administrator isn't afraid.

Went to praise team practice last night, where Shirley took a moment to complain to Mike that some folks just didn't try to worship during praise time and others didn't seem to enjoy worshiping. Mike, who in my opinion was making conversation, said something to the effect of, "I know. And prodding doesn't help much, either. We can try to help them but they're responsible for their own worship, when it all comes together." He left right after that and Shirley came over to Aimee and me and said, "Well, I need to catch my breath a moment." We both gave her a "Huh?" look and she said, "I think I was properly reprimanded." I never got that impression at all and neither did Aimee.

Six folks have retired/resigned. It's just May 20. I'm awaiting more notices. I almost know we will have more.


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