Monday, February 28, 2005

This is how badly I need...uh...something

So I go downstairs, unload the dryer into one of my clothes baskets and find a dollar in the process (yippee!), sort out the light-colored clothes and load the washer. Then I proceed to unload a clothes basket into the dark laundry pile. I get to the bottom of the basket and there, all wadded up, is ANOTHER dollar. As a matter of fact, its wadding was pretty familiar. It wasn't until I started to yell to Brennan that I'd found two dollars in less than two minutes that I realized what had happened.

Uh-huh. I had unloaded the basket I had just filled with clean clothes.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Lost it again

Oh, well. Life gets in the way of blogging now and again, but here's the latest "news." (Ho-hum)

Nothing new on the baby front right now. Can't even seem to get the room ready. I hear that shouldn't be an issue for a while, anyway, due to the fact the kid probably won't sleep there because she's used to being in a room with who knows how many others or she's used to being in a "family bed." (MAJOR adjustment for us. They say they do leave eventually. I want the definition of the word "eventually.")

Had my first FCC board meeting last week. Began at 6:45. Ended at 9:45. Got home at 10:45.

Brian has been working like crazy this year. God knows--literally--that we need it!

Been exploring Plum Creek more. I'm ready to become a member of PC. Have been for a while. Haven't approached Brian due to his working more. (Been a long time since I've cared for membership anywhere.)

Meanwhile, I'm watching my home church dive and die. Sad. Sadder still is that it has been about 41 years in coming, at least. No one was willing to do any type of CPR when they could. Now it's going to take a heart transplant to keep it going. Even that's not a bad thing if the leadership would commit to getting one.

Bart came home this weekend. Haven't seen him since Christmas break???

Brett came close to dying this week--several times. I HATE 17 AND SENIORITIS.

Brennan needs to get out more. I bought him a camera for Christmas in hopes he'd pursue some artistic work with it. Nada. Zilch. Grrrr.

Went to a newsletter meeting today. One lady on the committee worked at Holmes with me. Another didn't get to go pick up her 13-month-old daughter in China because she was at home with her 5-day-old baby when her husband and mother(-in-law?) left. Proof, once again, that God has a sense of humor. Just glad it wasn't with me! =D

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Chinese New Year celebration

What fun! Today we were once again surrounded by Chinese folk--mostly little Chinese folk. Almost all of them were in traditional Chinese garb, too, as were most of their American siblings.

We seem to have developed some sort of a fame in the adoption circle. I'm not really sure why. I'm doing the newsletter now, but most of the folks didn't talk about that as much as they did the fact that we're awaiting our referral. "You're the Reids, aren't you? You don't have much longer to wait, right?" from total strangers is a little unsettling. Neat, but unsettling. I kind of feel like we have a tracking device on our dossier and everyone knows where it is but us!

More "neat" was waiting when we got home. My secret buddy on the DTC list had sent the Chinese New Year gift. It had New Year's stamps, money from 8 different countries to which her husband has traveled on business, CNY candy and a Little People doll. The money would have been enough! It is so cool!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Babysitting fun

Had the girls for a while this evening. Emma wanted some cheese. (She's talking pretty well, by the way.) I gave her cheese.

After while, she pointed to the counter and said something. I grabbed two or three things before I finally listened enough to hear, "Cheese," again. I said, "Oh, cheese. Duh."

Her response? "Duh."

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Only in a high school

One of our male teachers was celebrating today. He has restroom duty at lunch--one of the times when cigarette smoke is most profuse. Today when he walked in, he was thrilled to see that they had taken the doors off the stalls. He told me later, "It doesn't smell like smoke now! It smells like urine like a restroom should!"


Goober (aka "Guber") got away for a while last night. At one point he ran by the car as I opened the door to put some things in. (I was headed to church.) This silly dog hopped in (in spite of the fact he's a mess) and plopped himself in the driver's seat and sat there as if to say, "When do we go?"

What's really odd is that the only time he's been in a car lately is to go to the vet. I KNOW it wasn't that pleasant at the vet.

Disappointed again

It's 5:31 and no snow call. No snow, for that matter. I'm even winning the snow pool at school and I'm wishing for a snow day.

That's bad.

Tempted--OH, so tempted--to take a sick day tomorrow. If my ear feels any worse, I may have an excuse.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

A change in thought

LOTS of stuff I've been questioning about my faith (for YEARS I've been questioning) are finally being explained. When they're explained, they make sense. When they make sense, I feel better about other things I'm being taught.

I now understand:
  • why we tithe
  • why we have a church AND a Church
  • why we have "official" (paid) ministers and "unofficial" (volunteer) ministers

All this and real grace, too.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

We have heard something officially, unofficially

Just got a listserv e-mail where a lady said that her agency said that our paperwork is about to move into the final room.

April's almost a definite. =D

I've really got to get her room ready.

Stupid actions from relatively smart people

In the past two days, we've had:

  1. a kid who outright defied an adult to the point that she tried to write him up, at which point he defied her even more directly;
  2. an adult who lost her temper too much toward the kid who defied her (can't go into detail);
  3. a cafeteria worker who took a lunch tray from a kid because he couldn't pay after she had been told several times not to do that because she would get her money some way (this came from the principal) and she did this in front of Eva Herbst (NO one mistreats a kid in front of Eva Herbst);
  4. a sub who got snotty with Eva Herbst. (NO one gets snotty with Eva Herbst.)

Notice only one of these bullets is about a kid acting stupid.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Care Group

As much as I've written about Sunday school, I haven't written much about Care Group.

Care Group is a small group meeting that we have on Sunday evenings where we meet in homes (we meet at the Trapps) and we eat and have a short Bible study. This is what I've been looking for for a LONG time. Now I know why.

It's great to have folks with whom you can actually BE with. Genie said it last night: "Some people want to DO all the time. They don't want to BE."


Saturday, February 05, 2005

The thing I've never explained

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about the comment about Methuselah's name. I said some other cool stuff was happening here, but I didn't get to comment.

Bear with me as I comment.

We found out that week that Methuselah was a contemporary of Adam AND Noah. (In case you haven't figured that out, that's quite a long time, but that's what you get when you live 969 years.) Anyway, it turns out that his name means either "when he sins," "when weapon is thrown," or "when he is dead, He will send judgment." Since Enoch walked with God, it is possible that God gave him prophecy concerning the Flood and he named Methuselah according to this prophecy.

And Methuselah lived a long time because of God's patience AND so that we could have someone who could hear the accounts from Adam until Noah--and he could have a first-hand account of nearly everything. Then when the Flood DID occur, Noah could know the accounts from someone who had lived long enough to know that they were true...

Nutshells are hard. I hope this makes sense.

Ha! I made a funny!

I feel a little bit justified

Bro, the Most Positive Person on the Face of the Planet (save maybe Bart--and I think it could be declared a tie), is more frustrated with the Chapel than I've ever been.

I'm not happy about the situation, but I feel a little know.

Alexander Graham Bell was smart

Not so much in his invention as in how he never allowed one in his home.

MY blasted phone has rung so much this morning that, in a moment of frustration/FLUS-tration (I know it isn't a word but I've just made it one), I answered, "Good morning. Library."

:$ (Embarrassed smiley)

A most telling quote

"Church will never be the same after what happened at C Chapel."

A quote from a conversation this morning with my husband. "What happened at C Chapel" was 15 years ago.

And the beat goes on.