"Jonah days"
Anne of Green Gables used that phrase to describe days that were just wrong. I've had a couple in a row--and they had to be on the weekend.
Yesterday was a day of putting out fires. Brennan was angry because we wouldn't approve his plan to come home. Bart was in "a zone" even worse than usual. Charissa was in quite the mood. Thank goodness Brett was at work, but, of course, so was Brian, so I was handling life without the other half. (These days usually hit when he's safely stashed in the vicinity of a crane. I hate him!) In addition to all this, grades have to be posted for midterms by tomorrow and I have a bloomin' TON of grading to do, partly because we have no scantrons left in the building, by and large. My head prayer servant had to drop out of the mentoring prayer group because she is committed to something else that is imminent. People who were excited about mentoring suddenly can't do it this time...and I won't even go into the financial end of life right now.
Last night, my stomach was hurting/upset, either because I ate late or because I was stressed or both, so I didn't try to go to church this morning. Between lack of sleep and grading, I stayed home. I hate that. Then, when I'd planned to do something special with Charissa, Brett took her to another church with him and I could just sit in a lump and bawl.
I keep praying that I let God be in charge of all this, but I keep taking it back. Be in prayer that I get my focus established on Whom it should be. All this will be part of a greater plan. I just can't see it in my frustration.
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