Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Just a day

Started out this morning with one of those "I-hate-me" feelings that I can't shake, but I did for the most-part and that's what counts. I think, in part, I'm starting to dread going back. I don't want to spend the next two weeks dreading it. This is going to be a fight.

And I'm still having a lot of trouble finding a niche. Larry has told me we'd talk about some writing I can work on, but nothing has come of it. I'm thinking about choir but the phobia may get the better of me again and I don't want that. Sounds like lots of excuses, and maybe it is. I'm not sure, though, what to do.


At 5:41 PM, Blogger valerie said...

You may have to remind larry! about the writing, or just give him an example. Talk to Bob too.
phobia with choir, why? this can be relaxing! and enjoyable!
yes, lots of excuses :) I hear thoses in my head too.

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

I can't seem to get with Bob. Maybe I need to call. E-mail isn't always best.

Larry and I have talked several times.

I don't know. It just happened several years ago. I used to love it. I think it's the crowd around me a lot more than it is the crowd in front of me because I don't freak when I speak or anything.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger valerie said...

well, anytime you are ready, come on! plenty of seats.
I understand, I can't seem to do solos anymore, too nervous! so I understand.
did you go to Debbi's class tonight? We started choir, and went straight to the gym, so didn't see you.


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