By now, I'm sure that anyone who did come here has pretty much chucked it, considering how I don't keep the blog up, but on the outside chance someone is reading, here goes.
As you may know, Dad went into the hospital Christmas Eve morning. Today is Friday the 30th and he's still there. Apparently he has a mean kidney infection and a gastrointestinal infection that aggravated a bleeding ulcer. After a week of cipro and two units of blood, we think he may get to come home tomorrow or Sunday. He was feeling much better yesterday, except for some Demerol dementia which can be nearly LOL funny; for example, yesterday, Roger Baird walked in to see him a moment. Roger said, "Hey, there, Alvin. You doing better today?" Dad's response was something like, "Yeah. I'm quite a bit better, Richard." Roger grinned. "Is that right?" Mom laughed and made the "crazy sign."
While my vacation has been anything but--especially considering the now-defunct plans I had to enjoy our first Christmas with our daughter--Charissa has been pretty much in her glory. She's visited the nurses, other patients, the gift shop, and anyone else she can find. Kid has been taking things a lot better than I have.
The Sandwich Generation sucks. The only thing that sucks worse is not having the parents or the family around anymore to sandwich you. Selfish comment, I know, but it's the truth.