Friday, December 30, 2005

Dad, Part II

Went in today to find them hooking him up to yet two more pints of blood. They're also ordering another scope for tomorrow.

Now I'm working on ways to get Mom to the hospital without driving NEXT week. And I suppose I still have Saturday and Sunday to go in this one.

Dad update

By now, I'm sure that anyone who did come here has pretty much chucked it, considering how I don't keep the blog up, but on the outside chance someone is reading, here goes.

As you may know, Dad went into the hospital Christmas Eve morning. Today is Friday the 30th and he's still there. Apparently he has a mean kidney infection and a gastrointestinal infection that aggravated a bleeding ulcer. After a week of cipro and two units of blood, we think he may get to come home tomorrow or Sunday. He was feeling much better yesterday, except for some Demerol dementia which can be nearly LOL funny; for example, yesterday, Roger Baird walked in to see him a moment. Roger said, "Hey, there, Alvin. You doing better today?" Dad's response was something like, "Yeah. I'm quite a bit better, Richard." Roger grinned. "Is that right?" Mom laughed and made the "crazy sign."

While my vacation has been anything but--especially considering the now-defunct plans I had to enjoy our first Christmas with our daughter--Charissa has been pretty much in her glory. She's visited the nurses, other patients, the gift shop, and anyone else she can find. Kid has been taking things a lot better than I have.

The Sandwich Generation sucks. The only thing that sucks worse is not having the parents or the family around anymore to sandwich you. Selfish comment, I know, but it's the truth.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Sometimes, you're convinced that your kids don't know what on earth they're talking about. They seem to know nothing. Their thought processes seem to be way off. And you fight. And you argue. And you all but cry.

And when it's over, you start thinking. And you realize that maybe you're a lot farther off base than he ever was.

Thanks, Bart, for fighting with me. I'm beginning to see what you mean. It's hard to teach the old dog, but you may be on your way.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Observation and a lesson

Recipes taste much better after you get all the ingredients in them; therefore, one should always check the recipe before you take a dish to a gathering of any sort.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Better-than-King's-Island Christmas shopping

As Rich mentioned, we did our annual shopping trip last night.

I'm still recovering.

Do you know how it feels to have your life pass before your eyes at least four times in one night? I'm not talking George-Bailey-and-Clarence style of passing. I'm talking "I'm-riding-with- someone-who-has-no-clue-where-he's-going-and-I'm-going-to-die" passing!

I will share the credit for the Monmouth Street faux pas. The sun was in our eyes--right at the level of the microscopic "No Left Turn" sign. We couldn't see at all. Thank God for corner-ish parking lots! Pulled in and got through that scrape just fine.

But coming within a hair of the the rear end of a Brink's-like truck, a panel truck, a car or two, and staring at headlights coming straight at me had nothing to do with anything I did.

But "almost" only doesn't count except in horse shoes and hand grenades, so I guess I shouldn't complain. =D

Love you, Bro. Hate your driving. ;-)