Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's resolutions

Dumped post one of the day, which made me consider what I need to do this year. Here goes, off the cuff, in no particular order:

  1. Stop whining, stop whining, stop whining.
  2. Read the chronological Bible all the way through to the maps. I always read piece-meal. It's tough to know what was really going on in the OT when you do that.
  3. Make it to the art museum at least once on my own. I always go with the kids I have to chaperone and I can't see squat.
  4. Write every day.
  5. Read something good every day.
  6. Finish the clean sweep we've started today and keep it "swept."
  7. Pay off more debt. Debt is the bane of existence.
  8. Spend more time doing things I enjoy. (Harkens back to 2-5.)
  9. Make a bunch of Christmas presents (and other presents) this year. (Harkens back to #8, with embellishments.)
  10. Consider, at least, what to do about this job I'm disliking more and more and more. (Could harken back to #7??)

That's it for now. Keep me straight, would you?


At 8:15 PM, Blogger valerie said...

keep you straight??? then who will keep me straight!
sounds like good goals to me!
still working on mine-prioritizing now.


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