Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The sign says "Wet Paint"

Our e-mail migration started today. We had to turn off our e-mail at 3:00 and keep it off until probably Thursday evening or Friday morning. They say if we try to log into e-mail, we'll all lose our addresses and such. We've all taken as many precautions as we can to keep from logging in--from hanging signs to moving and relabeling our e-mail icons.

But at 3:01, I had the strongest urge to log in, just to see if the sky would fall. I'm going to fight that urge until we have permission to go back in.

I just need to check...


At 7:35 PM, Blogger SMSSecretary said...

I took my mail icon off the desk top for extra precaution. It's all so automatic to go in and log (everything) on. It was funny today - I told Phyllis it actually seemed quieter without e-mail. Sort of like when the electricity is off.


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