Monday, February 13, 2006


What a day. After an hour delay, you would think that the day would be shorter. Nope. The biggest excitement of the day (aside from opening the blasted library door every other minute because of a new policy) was to see our security camera being moved to its new location toward the center of the library. Now the kids who are on computers will be on camera. Let's hope it helps with the after-school garbage.

Oh, yeah. It's always exciting to hear an administrator being called over the radio to your brother's room. I wasn't too concerned about his safety; on the other hand, the kids' safety...

I need to find a retirement plan within the next two-and-a-half years.


At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've warned Julie.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

"Warned" nothing; she wants them whipped into shape!


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