Friday, June 01, 2007


School is out. I have two extended days to complete, then I'm off for pretty much a solid month. Maybe more. I'll just have to see how construction/vacation/life goes.

Spent a hilarious day with two two-year-olds. Charissa and Collier played and played and fought and fought until nap time, then Collier fought ME about taking a nap. Then Charissa fought HIM from the time she woke until he left. Mars and Venus at two. Who knew?

I can't believe I'm trying to figure out what I'll be doing with my next few weeks, but I am. It's not so much that I have nothing to do as it is I'm not sure I can remember how to do it without constant interruption of SBDM, building demands, etc., etc. Weird to know that no one can get on--heck, they can't even get TO--their technology. Next year will be even more odd in that I have no STC, SBDM, or Academic Team duties. I don't know, but I think I can get used to this. I hope I'm given the leeway to find out for sure if I can.

In other news:
  1. Brian is still working nutty hours. (Oh, yeah. I said "news," didn't I?)
  2. Brennan has taken up FISHING.
  3. We DESPERATELY need rain--and some friends have promised to send us some, to no avail. (Hint, hint to our Kansas family.)
  4. We're headed to Texas soon to see Darrin, who is going to the Gulf yet again. (In the words of the Pope Julius II in The Agony and the Ecstacy, "When will you finish?")

That's all I have energy for right now. I'm still rebuilding my stamina after this year.


At 1:29 AM, Blogger Shane said...

Oh my GOSH! Carolyn DOES remember she still has a blog!

I'll see what we can do about the rain...I know we could certainly spare some based on all of the flooding we've had.

Enjoy your summer!

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Jody said...

I tried and tried to send the rain your way! I even considered mailing you a small box of water...:)


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