Friday, October 07, 2005


Last night, Bart received a call from a fellow who isn't exactly a terribly good friend, but they spent a year in a room together without killing each other (a feat for both of them), so I guess you could say they have one thing in common, at least. The friend is probably ensconced at the college of which Bart finally took leave this summer and he knows it all. Just ask him.

We laugh about Stephen, but the truth is that, once we get past Stephen's obnoxious side, he probably was one of the better friends Bart had, and this is why: he probably didn't go around behind Bart's back labeling him and developing "theories" on who he is becoming just because he's smart enough to ask questions and deep enough to want understanding; but (I'm about to stoop to the level of some of LBC's patrons here) when you're taught that the answers are right there in the minds of the biblical scholars who know exactly what God wants because they know the ins-and-outs of Scripture (like that is really possible), what more can you expect?

I'm trying to comfort Bart now--the one who feels like he's been skewered by those who claimed to be his friends--but I'm mostly giving him the standard "let-it-slide-what-do-you-expect-from-them" advice. It isn't much, but this time it feels more right than it usually does. After all, what can you expect?


At 9:25 PM, Blogger valerie said...

oh the lessons of life!
what a mess and poor Bart- with his big heart and idealistic views.
He tries so hard.
tell him to hang in there. The truth will be revealed. and these were NOT friends!!! friends don't treat others this way.


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