Rich has posted his feelings about "President Kerry? Over My Dead, Decaying Radioactive Body" in his blog, and with good reason. This man wants to be president, but the comments he made on "Larry King Live" make it obvious to me that he is more interested in holding the office than he is in serving the country. Reminds me of another recent "president."
I confessed the other day that I am a Republican. I will say that I don't plan to vote straight-ticket just because I AM a Republican, though. I hope I can give myself a little more credit than that; however, most of their stances are my stances and a lot of the Republicans who are lashing out against the President and the Iraq policy and FMA and a lot of other stuff wouldn't get the time of day from my button-pushing finger.
But actually I am here for another reason.
Dave will preach again Sunday. He will probably preach on some political issue such as FMA. Mitch Ruth read a great deal of the Declaration of Independence last Sunday as a lead for his Communion thought, and then went on to discuss the aftermath for those who had signed it--who had committed an act of high treason against the king. Mike has discussed the fact that the people who founded our country were devout believers in God and in Jesus--as though you can separate the Two.
All this boils down to one question: why? Why all this attention to American history in church on Sunday mornings? Why can't the whole hour be filled with Bible-Bible. Why the mix of the Bible and our history?
I have a simple answer: we are learning a different history than what actually took place.
Our schools teach that the Founding Fathers were, by-and-large, Deists. They say that they believed God created the world and the universe, then decided to sit back in his rocking chair and said, "OK. I'm finished. Let's sit back and watch what happens." If our media says anything about God at all, it is pretty much in that same light--and even that is more complimentary than what we usually hear about Him as they discuss Him. Usually, the only reference we hear on TV to God anymore is when His name is spoken in vain.
And I can go on.
The truth of the matter is that, when you read the Declaration of Independence, you see that the Founding Fathers felt that God had a lot more to do with their lives--and the future of this country--than just sitting back and watching what will happen. They believed that HE had put them in that place and in that time for the very purpose that they performed--to the point that they lost their homes, their families, and their lives. And if they wanted to prove their point that God ordained everything that happened in their lives, all they had to do was point to the cross to say that He was at LEAST "interested" in their lives.
My point is this: it is a sad statement on our society when the Church has to tell the truth concerning the founding of our country as it points the way to the Truth. Maybe some think that it is a moot point as long as you're pointing toward God, but I say that we should always give credit where credit is due, at the very least. And God created us and he gave us this country and he gave us his Son.
I don't know if this makes any sense at all, so maybe I can put it in a nutshell: people like John Kerry make me sick. Men throughout the past 200 years have given up their lives, their futures, their families, their security for this country's security, and now this man can't even sacrifice a few hours--at the most--of his time to get a security update because HE'S CAMPAIGNING TO BE PRESIDENT? He wants to lead the country, but he doesn't believe the basic principles of the Bible? He says life begins at conception, but he votes against the Laci Peterson Act? And he claims to have a faith with a Christian foundation, but he doesn't support a law banning homosexual marriage? And he doesn't care enough about the country to support our campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Maybe I'm not exactly coherent tonight. It's been a long week. And maybe I'm being judgmental and nasty and Pharisee-ical, but people like this guy put me at my worst. OK. I GO TO MY WORST WHEN PEOPLE LIKE THIS GUY START UP. He can't make me, I guess.
But I will say that some folks want to rewrite our history to make it support their agendas. Michael Moore has a propaganda campaign that is said to out-do Hitler's. B. Clinton not only put us in the position we are now with the terrorists, but he also has kids in BIBLE COLLEGE (not that they're more holy, but still...) "confused" as to what sex is and isn't. H. Clinton has us all believing that "it takes a village" to raise a child--and she isn't talking about the neighborhood moms watching to tell YOUR mom what you've been up to as you've played on your street. The plot is sinister. The outcome is what will determine whether our nation will continue on a path that, up to now, has only been trodden by us or if it will go by the way of Rome.
I know that God is in control and, as I have said before, Rom. 8:28 still holds true and that is regardless of who makes it into office in November; but I will also say this: I feel that our country will face times like we've never seen before if Kerry is voted in. We saw our country go in 20 years from a country that celebrated the Year of the Bible to a country that celebrates Gay Pride days across the country, just because of the "leadership" of one man. And I believe that, if Kerry gets in, we ain't seen nothing of a fight yet.
Our Founding Fathers are flipping in their graves.
Who knows? The next years may separate the men from the boys--or the sheep from the goats. Are we ready to face that trial?